water hole

{the inspiration for the celebration} I lived in a small village in rural Guyana where the entire community gathered their drinking and washing water from a hole in the ground. This community was generous to host myself and a group of do-gooding youth, but our presence depleted their water – that hole in the ground would not fill up as quickly as we drank its supply.

I want to live in a world where everyone has access to flowing, fresh water.

I want to live in a world where life is celebrated and everyone has the opportunity to live a great life.

If you want to live in this world too, then I have just the thing for you.

This is my birthday weekend and I’ve donated my birthday to charity: water. If you haven’t heard about charity: water check out their video page, it’s heart-moving stuff. During my birthday weekend, if you make a donation to charity: water,  I invite you to come to the Great Life Redesign retreat for a fraction of the cost. Here’s how it works.

1. Head to charity: water and make a donation anywhere from $1 to $1000 {or, if you are my generous benefactor, you can always give more}.

2. Once you’ve made your donation, head over to the Great Life Redesign registration page and select the ticket that says “I made a donation to charity: water”. It’s all on the honour system — I trust you.

Once my birthday weekend celebration ends at midnight on April 7th 2013, the celebration ticket price will go away.


It’s totally possible that the retreat will sell out before the week is up — we’re already half full. So, if you want to be involved it’s a good idea to donate and register right away.

We have already given 54 people in Kenya access to fresh, flowing water, and our goal is to see if help out 100 Kenyans.

charity waterIn celebrating life & designing a life you love, you can make living easier for an entire community across the world.

Head on over to charity: water and let’s get this party started.

Deep thanks & celebrations,



The Details

What :: Great Life Redesign retreat

Where :: Banff Springs Hotel {really it’s like a magical castle}

When :: November 1, 2, 3 2013

Who :: everyone is welcome, but you must register.

Why :: because life is worthy of celebrating, you deserve to live a life you love & water changes everything.