by gemma | Feb 5, 2013 | gems & precious bits, health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, self love & self esteem, thoughts & musings
February is the month of love. Vitamin L {love} is a very dangerous vitamin to be depleted of. And the best way to get it, is to give it. In order to boost the Vitamin L in myself–and in others–I’m spreading love by leaving 500 handwritten love notes...
by gemma | Jan 31, 2013 | beloved & praised, health & happiness, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, relationships & sex, thoughts & musings, tools & strategies, videos & ask gemm
Many of my friends, family, and clients are going through tough times in relationship and have been asking me {informally} about relationships. Here’s what I’ve been sharing :: Most of us are governed by unconscious fears. Two basic fears emerge...
by gemma | Jan 31, 2013 | love & fear, self sabotage & stuckness, thoughts & musings
Fear serves a purpose in our lives. It’s designed to keep us safe, but too often it keeps us stuck instead. I like to call life-saving fear clean fear {quick, jump out of the way, there’s a bus coming}. And I like to call self-sabotaging fear messy fear {you...
by gemma | Jan 16, 2013 | beloved & praised, inspiration & wisdom, meaningful & life lessons, mind & brain, thoughts & musings
We all have cognitive maps {beliefs, values, defenses, issues, preferences, patterns, thoughts} that originate from our parents, teachers, coaches, religious/spiritual leaders, culture, and history {take your pick}. Do this. Value that. Like these things. Think like...
by gemma | Jan 7, 2013 | gems & precious bits, inspiration & wisdom, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, thoughts & musings
Our enemy is not others; it’s not our past; it’s not our present circumstances. It’s fear. Fear is also our guide. It will show us how to unbuckle our lives if we approach it with curiosity. Jung said, “It is a bewildering thing in human life that the thing that...
by gemma | Jan 2, 2013 | gems & precious bits, health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, thoughts & musings, tools & strategies
I’m returning from a difficult, but necessary, month-long digital sabbatical. 2012 was a rough ride for many people, myself included. The last quarter took my breath away in a painful sort of way. It challenged me in ways I could never have predicted. I’m...