10 books that could deepen how you love

After more than a decade of  helping hundreds of clients love themselves and their lives you could say that Love is my quest. The most important lesson I have learned is to choose love over fear. Again and again. The rules of love and fear can be found in a tangle of...

the truth about self-examination

Self-examination does not necessarily lead to life balance or acceptance from others — it leads to greater freedom and authenticity. Without self-examination … … we seek comfort over greatness … safety over risk … reassurance over authenticity … the predictable over...

radical self love – the key to everything good

For a long time I didn’t love myself. I tried to cover up my lack of self-love by winning awards, being the captain, and by being a good little over-achiever. I was an expert in the fine art of perception management. I was a chameleon. I would change myself to fit...

{ask gem} how our emotional history distorts reality

Brain scan technologies show us that perception and imagination activate the exact same areas of the brain. This means that the brain cannot reliably distinguish between reality and fantasy. Ponder this: Three women look at an attractive man. One sees an honorable man...