by gemma | Feb 1, 2014 | goals & dreams, health & happiness, love & fear, self sabotage & stuckness, thoughts & musings
We can’t help the things life has done to us. What we can help is how we choose to see ourselves and the world as a result of what has been done to us. Depending on what we choose to see, we can more deeply connect with our true selves. Your soul, your true self, is...
by gemma | Jan 22, 2014 | beloved & praised, goals & dreams, health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, meaningful & life lessons
I have seen time and time again people who step more fully into themselves once their life has fallen apart. It’s almost as though the crisis breaks the façade that was constructed, and once uncovered, the true self emerges. After being broken open, I’ve seen people...
by gemma | Nov 20, 2013 | health & happiness, interviews & media love, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, thoughts & musings, videos & ask gemm
Remember to love. I was blessed with a mentor whose last words to me were, remember to love. I shared the story of what those three words really mean, and how they have saved my life – and others at TEDxCanmore. Watch the video here. When I studied psychology there...
by gemma | Oct 23, 2013 | health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, meaningful & life lessons, thoughts & musings
Everyone I know {myself included} has an addiction. Not a chemical or clinical addiction – an addictive coping strategy. Any reflexive response to stress, anxiety, uncertainty, or emotional pain is an addiction. – Zoning out with T.V.- Taking the edge...
by gemma | Oct 17, 2013 | gems & precious bits, goals & dreams, health & happiness, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons
The journey from fear into love requires that we set and respect boundaries, both for ourselves and for others. It means that we gain clarity on what is a sacred yes and what is an honoring no. It means we dive into the depths of what has heart and meaning. It means...
by gemma | Sep 19, 2013 | beloved & praised, gems & precious bits, goals & dreams, health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, mind & brain, thoughts & musings
Dear Life Designer, I know you have a secret dream, a longing, an aching. Something pulls at you, something brighter, bolder, more precious, more real, much more … you. That something is the life you love. I call it your great life. Great lives are not super lives;...