by gemma | Mar 21, 2012 | beloved & praised, goals & dreams, health & happiness, inspiration & wisdom, meaningful & life lessons, thoughts & musings
Throughout our lives, we receive so many messages about how we ‘should’ be living our lives and what the ‘right’ goals and dreams are. The well-intentioned expectations of others can muddy our truth and cause us to lose our direction and...
by Matt Skoll | Feb 16, 2011 | health & happiness, thoughts & musings, tools & strategies
I’m putting together a 21 Day Challenge for my facebook friends. We’re supporting each other in making one small change for the good over the next 21 days. In the past, I used to attempt major life overhauls by making a number of changes all at once. I was rarely...
by Matt Skoll | Feb 15, 2011 | health & happiness, love & fear, self love & self esteem, self sabotage & stuckness, thoughts & musings
My Valentine’s Day post is a day late…I have a good excuse: self-love. I wanted to spend the day with my family yesterday so I didn’t get this blog post up in time. In the past, I would have ignored what I really wanted to do and I would have done...
by Matt Skoll | Jan 12, 2011 | health & happiness, love & fear, meaningful & life lessons, mind & brain, relationships & sex, self love & self esteem, self sabotage & stuckness, spiritual & out there, thoughts & musings, tools & strategies
Recently, I’ve had a lot of questions about Inner Child Healing from my clients and friends. What is it? How does it work? How do I know if it might help me? Here are some answers to those questions. As children we are taught how to relate to others and how to gain...
by Matt Skoll | Jan 11, 2011 | beloved & praised, health & happiness, meaningful & life lessons, self love & self esteem, self sabotage & stuckness, thoughts & musings, tools & strategies, values & purpose
What do you live for? Wealth? Power? Connection? Relationships? Truth? Reason? Love? Faith? Career? Family? God? Happiness? Fulfillment? Peace? Comfort? Contentment? Integrity? Here’s an exercise to help you get clear on your values. Take a look at the list of...