We can’t help the things life has done to us.

What we can help is how we choose to see ourselves and the world as a result of what has been done to us.

Depending on what we choose to see, we can more deeply connect with our true selves. Your soul, your true self, is separate from the wounds you’ve experienced.

The truth is, you may have been scarred by abuse, neglect, poverty, or discrimination.


It’s important to remember none of these experiences limit your capacity to feel joy, peace, love, and fulfillment.

Is damage done, and are psychic scars collected from these experiences? Absolutely.

Inequality, injustice, and trauma can cut deeply. There is no doubt that our personalities are shaped by the experiences life brings us.


Your true self is not your personality. Worldly experiences have no impact on the preciousness and power of your soul.

Once we have experienced trauma, we perpetuate our suffering by investing energy into the stories we create to explain the pain.

Suffering is the sign that something is wanting to be healed, that a new story is asking to be told.

Let your true self be the author of your next story – and make it a great one.