in {gem of the present} i share what’s up in my life :: what i’m going through & what i’m thinking about. i’m aiming for a non-preachy approach to self-reflection & transparency.

Sometimes facing the darkness in my psyche is the last thing I want to do.

I’d much rather ignore my fears, mash down my insecurities, and shovel anxieties into a black hole.

I’ve learned (the hard way) that avoiding the darker aspects of my being is a recipe for disaster.

As they say, “what we resist persists.”

I know that when I avoid the uncomfortable stuff that I’m experiencing, or try to numb it away, it doesn’t go away. The uncomfortable pops up in unconscious ways & makes a mess of my life.

I’m leaning into the darkness. Shining a little light on it. I’m helping fear take a backseat & allow love to drive.

Sending you light to explore your dark bits too,