gem-presentFebruary is the month of love.

Vitamin L {love} is a very dangerous vitamin to be depleted of. And the best way to get it, is to give it.

In order to boost the Vitamin L in myself–and in others–I’m spreading love by leaving 500 handwritten love notes scattered throughout the city. I tend to frequent farmer’s markets, bookstores, and coffee shops, so keep your eyes peeled for a little somethin’ somethin’ peeking out at you.

And, for everyone on my list, I’m sending you a digital gift from the heart {watch for it Feb 13th}.

My good friend {and stylist} Megan helping to #spreadlove in inspiring ways. If you’re in Calgary, check out ESPY to get a dose of the good stuff.

And. Join in on the fun!

I’d be delighted if you joined in on the #spreadlove movement! Make sure to tell me all about it by leaving a note on Facebook or Twitter.

Margaret Mead said, “never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Love matters.