
Change. It’s a big, huge, important topic.

Some folks love it; some rally against it. What works? What doesn’t?

How can you lean into creating meaningful, long-lasting change—not the kinda change that lasts three and a half days?

I’ve been fascinated by the psychology of change for most of my career, and now that I’m prepping for the Great Life Redesign Retreat, I’m completely submerged in it.

My quest du jour :: How do you create the space to build a life you adore? Because, really, isn’t that what it’s all about?

The conditions that create transformative action, goal attainment, and dream nurturance have been rigorously studied. I’m neck-deep in the most recent and the most effective tools and techniques for making change and making it last. 

I’m blending the science of change-psychology with my own personal life design process. I’ve been using this process twice a year since I was twenty-five and its totally rocked every area of my life, in a really good way.

If you are ready to jump into conscious living and life design I have a present for you — I want you to be able to get started on designing your Great Life as soon as possible.

The life we are living is based on the beliefs that we hold, if you have beliefs that are keeping you stuck this interactive worksheet will get you started on challenging and changing them.

Sending you heaps of love as you build the life of your dreams.