finding life direction is all about having a sense of purpose a knowing about what you want in your life and moving in that direction everyday.

you may find that you already know what your purpose is, or if you’re like me, you may have to track it down.

if you’re trying to find your life direction check out this video and remember these hints.

hints for finding life direction

be curious about life and enjoy what you are doing in the present moment, trust that it is serving you in some way (even if it’s huge mystery!)

be honest about what excites you. your excitement is your mind’s way of telling you what your purpose is. 

be open to discoveries. don’t have a fixed idea of the path you must be on, rather be open to where the path leads. 

be enthusiastic about life. enthusiasm draws people and opportunities to you.

be original, but don’t try to be. be yourself and you will automatically be original because no one else can do what you do in the unique way you do it. release the need to try and say what others want you to say and do what others want you to do. your life direction is all about you. 

So grateful to be joining you on your journey….


p.s. if you want your question answered next time send me an email.