I am a seeker.

And, because you are reading this, I suspect you are too.

I want to thank you — for showing up, for seeking, for evolving, for living with courage & for loving with vulnerability.

When I think of you, on your journey, choosing a conscious life, my heart fills with anticipation of the future we are creating.

The way you choose to live your life ripples out into the world.
It matters.

The quality of our lives, relationships, careers, parenting and well-being cannot exceed the level of personal development we have attained. When you grow, our world grows.

I know it’s not always easy. At times it’s downright daunting.

Living a conscious life demands that we seek truth with honesty and self-awareness. A conscious life asks us to live in psychological integrity. It means we must live in the uncertainty of life.

Thank you…

… for moving our world in the direction of more love
… for following the truth even when it scares you
… for being a fellow seeker

Jung said we cannot travel further with another than we have travelled on our own.

I’m grateful to be travelling with you.